Privacy and data protection

Privacy and data protection policy, last updated on 23.05.2023

The server on which the website is hosted by Orange Website (external link) in Iceland (external link). The server is using naturally sourced electricity. This website was made with (external link) code. The website utilizes Astra wordpress theme. (External link).

This website does not contain cookies and we do not collect data from our website visitors.

This website is maintained by Frank, a guide working in Rovaniemi. In case you have feedback about the website, or if you found a possible security breach, plaese fill in this form:

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Be as precise as possible in your feedback
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Please be as precise as possible in your suggestion(s).
If you like us to contact based on your feedback, you could leave your name here.
If you like us to contact based on your feedback, you could leave your email address here.
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